- Spirits, Vodka
Nikka Coffey Vodka 70cl
- €44.50 inc. VAT
- Japanese Vodka with zesty notes, rich sweetness and milky mouthfeel perfectly captures the exquisite fullness brought by the Coffey stills. Following the success of Nikka Coffey Grain and Nikka Coffey Malt, two new expressions, Nikka Coffey Gin and Coffey Vodka, were added to the range in 2017 to further pursue the beauty of the Coffey stills. This project was accomplished…
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- Spirits, Whisky
Nikka The Grain 70cl
- €170.00 inc. VAT
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- Japan, Spirits, Whisky
Nikka The Nikka 12 Year Old 70cl
- €155.00 inc. VAT
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- Japan, Spirits, Whisky
Nikka Yoichi Bourbon Wood Finish 70cl
- €189.99 inc. VAT
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- Japan, Spirits, Whisky
Nikka Yoichi Rum Cask Finish 70cl
- €175.23 inc. VAT
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- Japan, Spirits, Whisky
Nikka Yoichi Single Malt 70cl
- €85.50 inc. VAT
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- Irish Whiskey, Spirits, Whisky
Paddy Irish Whiskey 70cl
- €15.60 inc. VAT
- Made from unique blend of Triple Distilled grain, straight pot-still malt and pot-still barley malt Irish whiskeys in Cork. The result of three classic Irish approaches to whiskey distillation. Paddy Irish Whiskey dates back to 1779 and owes its name to legendary salesman Paddy (Patrick Joseph) O'Flaherty of the county of Cork, Ireland. He was adored because he was generous,…
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- Rum, Spirits
Ron Vacilon Aguardiente 40% 70cl
- €20.51 inc. VAT
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