- Spirits, Vodka
Crystal Head Vodka 1.75L
- €101.89 inc. VAT
- Launched in 2008, the original Crystal Head Vodka is crafted from Canadian corn sourced locally. It is distilled four times into a neutral grain spirit and blended with pristine water from Newfoundland, Canada. The vodka is filtered seven times, of which three are through layers of semi-precious crystals known as Herkimer diamonds. Herkimer diamonds are double-terminated quartz crystals discovered within…
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- Italy, Sparkling, Wine
Andreola Dirupo Brut Valdobbiadene DOCG Prosecco 150cl
- €34.05 inc. VAT
- Dirupo Brut is a Spumante Valdobbiadene DOCG made from grapes grown in the heart of the historic Valdobbiadene DOCG (Prosecco) zone. The colour of Dirupo Brut is soft yellow with greenish highlights, the perlage is fine, copious and lingering and the froth creamy. The scents evoke spring blooms such as hawthorn and acacia blossoms, delicate citrus fruit and a hint…
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- Italy, Red, Sicily, Wine
Mandrarossa Bonera 150cl
- €29.85 inc. VAT
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- Italy, Red, Sicily, Wine
Mandrarossa Timperosse 2014 150cl
- €30.50 inc. VAT
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- Gin, Spirits
Bathtub Gin 1.5lt
- €78.99 inc. VAT
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- Beverage, Soft-Drinks
Coke 1.5lt
- €2.00 inc. VAT
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